Bible Summary

In the beginning,there was nothing and God created heavens and earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
And God said : Let there be light and so it was. He created all things on earth separated days and nights. He also created living beings on earth. The human generation was started by Adam and Eve with peace and eternal life. An angel threw by heaven called Satan persecuted Eve and leads for eating fruits from the tree of good and evil which was restricted by God. In the same way Adam also ate same fruit. There were led to crushed life from that time with difficulties, persecution, dying, full of sin which became generational crushed. Their generation started from the time with more people on earth. Days by days evil activities were increased and they stopped following God's command. God commanded Noah to make big boat so that his family and a pair of all living creature with food could be stored. After obeying God's word God brought flood to all lands of earth for forty days. Again the generation was started from Noah. There were people who followed God and non follower. God is always doing his work, he give commands, shows signs and wonders to people who followed. There were prophets who could tell the future coming of King of people's Jesus Christ. After long period on 12th month one of the God's angel Gabriel spoke to Mary who was virgin will give birth to a baby and to keep his name Jesus. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. All the Godly people celebrated on birth of Savior Jesus as the heard the voice from sky about birth of Jesus. Jesus started his ministry on age of forty. He performed miracles, healing, signs and wonders raised dead persons. Due all these Roman Emperor was ruling over Israel. He doesn't like people praising Jesus more than him. So he decided to crucify Jesus on the cross. His people tortured Jesus punished and hanged Jesus on cross with nails all around. After the death of Jesus he was kept in a tomb.
  After three days he was resurrected from dead. Even death couldn't hold him down. He came here on earth from heaven to die for our sins and to give us eternal life in heaven. It is written in bible : " God sent his one and only begotten son to earth to die for our sins and whoever believes in him shouldn't perish but gets everlasting life.
